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Join the Movement! Become a FLIP Enthusiast

It’s free! We are growing a movement of cancer prevention enthusiasts. We are devoting a lot of time and energy to make this program as beneficial as possible for you… and the cost to you, $0!

Receive the “FLIP your life” prevention plan template! This is a wonderful tool that will help you build a self-created prevention plan to help you integrate the FLIP approach. We’ve had great success with this so far and will continue to feature some of the early success stories.

Become part of community shaping the way we FLIP! As the movement continues to evolve, we are thrilled to have you be a part our community that will help shape how we make prevention become a part of our everyday lives.

Stay current with FLIP! Receive updates, information and opportunities to stay current, educated and involved.

Be a part of the action! Join us for our series of active, fun and creative events. Our winter program was a huge success and we are gearing up for an action packed summer!

Start FLIPPING Today!