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9 practical tips for smart consumers (take action!)

In addition to the personal decisions you make that impact your cancer risk (not smoking, eating right, staying active, early detection)… it’s important to protect yourself against environmental threats as well!

“According to a new report from the President’s Cancer Panel, environmental toxins also play a significant and under-recognized role in cancer, causing “grievous harm” to untold numbers of people.” – The Environmental Working Group

The Environmental Working group recommends these 9 tips to help consumers protect against environmental threats (read the complete story at ewg.org)

1) Filter your water

2) Seal outdoor wooden decks and play sets

3) Cut down on stain- and grease-proofing chemicals.

4) Cut down on fatty meat and high-fat dairy product

5) Stay safe in the sun

6) Eat EWG’s Clean 15

7) Cut your exposures to BPA

8) Avoid carcinogens in cosmetics

9) Read Warnings